A.N.T. Farm Wiki

Flyna Quotes are quotes between the relationship/friendship pairing of Fletcher and Chyna, also known as Flyna.


Fletcher: I'm an artist. For my project, I'm sculpting the entire class in beeswax.

Chyna: Well... they're beautiful!
Fletcher: You're beautiful.
Chyna: (Gives him a puzzled look)
Fletcher: I mean, your music's beautiful!
Chyna: But you've never heard me play..

Fletcher: I know... It's just that... I... (Pretends to be a statue)
Chyna: Now let's go get our party on! (Climbs out the window)

Fletcher: (Turns toward the beeswax sculpture of Chyna) Hey beautiful..
Chyna: Let's go!

Fletcher: Nothing!


Chyna: Hey Fletcher, how was chess club?
Fletcher: (Turns toward her with chess pieces up his nose) Not well.

SciANTs Fair

Olive: Where's Chyna? She's supposed to be helping me with this.

Flyna: How should I know? It's not like I sewed a GPS transmitter to the lining of her backpack so I can track her every move.
Olive: Sorry I asked...
Fletcher: Although, if I were to guess, she would be here in 3... 2... 1..

Chyna: (Runs in, panting) Guys!